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Course Contents (16)
Day 3: Warm up exercise - Adding and SubtractingDescription: Further word questions for adding and subtracting using a formula.
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Purpose of this exercise is to continue to practice using formulas for word questions that you are familiar with so that you can create formulas for questions you are unfamiliar with later.

Help on this Topic:

This is the third type of question that looks at the RELATIONSHIP between Mary and John.

In the first question we knew how many more apples John had than Mary and how many apples Mary had.

In the second question we knew how many more apples John had than Mary and how many apples John had.

In this third question we know how many apples John and Mary have and we're asked the difference between them.


Again, we are given a formula.  The idea is that when a question is easy to understand we can make a formula.

We can then use the formula when the question is less easy to understand like when using negative numbers.

For now, just use the formula.


If John has 5 apples and Mary has 3 apples.  How many more apples does John have?

In this question we can find out how many MORE apples John has by using the formula.

(number of apples John has)  -  ( number of apples that Mary has)

=  5 apples - 3 apples

= 2 apples.